Shot at the #HollandandHolland #Shooting Grounds
A film using advanced #slowmotion camera technology to show the art of #claypigeon shooting.
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I can't have enough of videos that show things cut in half working. This one shows a #fullyautomaticshotgun in action. It's sad to see how humans spend so much time and intelligence developing perfect death machines like these—but the engineering
Spent New Years at Wolf Creek trying out our new clay pigeon thrower that we got for Christmas. It was a great way to spend the day trying out new toys, unloading a few rounds, and relaxing in the great outdoors. We used my 12 gauge Remington 870 Express
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"We recently had a new IDT Y5 HDiablo sent to us as a demo. This is the first of 3 #highspeedcameras we will be testing this month before we make a decision on which one to purchase.
We shot in several different types of situations o